Il Co-Housing apre le porte alla città
27 April 2023

Open Day at the Co-Housing

Since February we’ve started the adventure of our Co-Housing in Via Borgo Palazzo 130. Eleven families are experimenting with a new model of collaborative living, together with supportive neighbors and a multidisciplinary team that accompanies them on a path to autonomy.

Now it’s time to show this building to the city: the Co-Housing will host an “Open Day” for citizens, neighbours, organisations to visit the spaces and learn about the project and its features.

It will also be an opportunity to learn more about CAPACITyES, Children Against Poverty Awake the city Education System, and our actions to fight urban poverty, with a focus on child educational poverty.

The event will start Saturday, May 6 in Via Borgo Palazzo 130, Hall 8: the families and the CAPACITyES team will lead you on a tour of the house, visiting the spaces and discovering about the development of the project. You can book the tour with this form: you can choose your preferred time. See you there!


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